Donata Minderytė Lithuanian, b. 1991


Donata Minderytė (b. 1991, Lithuania) is an artist currently residing and working between Vilnius and New York. She graduated from the Painting Department of the Vilnius Academy of Arts, earning an MA degree in 2016. In 2024, Minderytė successfully defended her PhD thesis at the Vilnius Academy of Arts, further enriching her academic achievements.

Minderytė's artistic practice revolves around the concept of visual translation, where she examines the significant changes that occur in an image as it is transferred from one medium to another.

Her works have been acquired by various museum collections, including Kiasma (Helsinki), MOCAK (Kraków), the Noewe Foundation (Vilnius), and Mo Museum (Vilnius).


In her work, Donata Minderytė focuses on what is to be avoided in linguistic translation - moving away from the original, fading the initial meaning and altering the message. Minderytė uses photography or stills from daily life videos as a tool of memory. She translates these images into the medium of painting by creating a representation of visual entropy. Captured in paint, the images lose detail, intensity and contrast, thus leaving an interpretive space for translation. The finished painting is hardly an accurate representation of the moment that it was inspired by: deliberate translational error becomes a generalised substitute of a past event, but not its representation. The narrative of the past is replaced by new visual information that pops up, transforms, fades and dwindles to such a degree that it can become unrecognisable. A bleached painting style for Minderytė becomes an artistic method to speak about herself, one’s memory and the latter’s inevitability to become the faded past.


Born 1991 in Vilnius, Lithuania

Lives and works in Vilnius and New York



2024 - Doctorate (Ph.D.), Vilnius Academy of Arts

2016 – Enrolled in Art PhD program since 2016, Vilnius Academy of Arts

2014-2016 – Vilnius Academy of Arts, Department of Painting, Master of Fine Arts

2010-2014 – Vilnius Academy of Arts, Department of Painting, Bachelor of Fine Arts



2024 - Jump Cut, Galerija VARTAI, Vilnius (Lithuania)

2019 – Translation Error, Galerija VARTAI, Vilnius (Lithuania)

2016 – Memory Gene, Galerija VARTAI, Vilnius (Lithuania)

2016 – Suitable Circumstances, Gallery Meno Niša, Vilnius (Lithuania)


2020 – Spectrum, Galerija VARTAI, Vilnius (Lithuania)

2020 – Menas be stogo, Vilnius city (Lithuania)

2020 – Kontr-argumentas III, Gallery Meno parkas, Kaunas (Lithuania) 

2019 – Carnival, Pamėnkalnio Gallery, Vilnius (Lithuania)

2018 – Mokslas ir gyvenimas, Titanikas, Vilnius (Lithuania) 

2018 – Tapybos maršrutizatoriai, Vilnius public transport (Lithuania)

2017 – Viennacontemporary Art Fair, Marx Halle, Vienna (Austria)

2017 – Summer Show, Galerija VARTAI, Vilnius (Lithuania)

2017 – Imago Mundi, Project "10 x 12, Gallery Meno parkas, Kaunas, (Lithuania)

2016 – Laiko vaizdų gaudytojai. (Trys scenarijai), Gallery Meno parkas, Kaunas (Lithuania)

2016 – Wundercameraden, Gallery Meno forma, Kaunas (Lithuania)

2016 – Parallel Vienna, Vienna Contemporary Art Exhibition, Vienna (Austria)

2016 – 38. Duisburger Akzente, Culture festival, Duisburg (Germany)

2016 – Belvedere, Gallery Meno forma, Kaunas (Lithuania)

2016 – Videofest/Terrortory, Studium P Gallery, Vilnius (Lithuania) 

2015 – Kartos (nesi)kartoja (antrą kartą), Gallery Meno forma, Kaunas (Lithuania)

2015 – Šventė, Šv. Jono Gallery, Kaunas (Lithuania)

2015 – International Contemporary Art Fair ArtVilnius'15, LITEXPO, Vilnius (Lithuania)

2014 – Kartos (nesi)kartoja, Gallery Meno forma, Kaunas (Lithuania)

2014 – Kosminė odisėja/Performanso labaratorija, Titanikas, Vilnius (Lithuania)

2014 – Meno celės, Titanikas, Vilnius (Lithuania)

2014 – Screenings weekend: Points of You, Gallery Centrala, Birmingham (United Kingdom)

2013 – Jaunieji. Žalia sąmonė - 3 arba kaip nesikartoja istorija, Gallery Meno parkas, Kaunas (Lithuania)


Museum of Contemporary Art KIASMA (Finland)

Museum of Contemporary Art MOCAK, Krakow (Poland)

Mo Museum, Vilnius (Lithuania)

the Noewe Foundation, Vilnius (Lithuania)

Private collections

Art Fairs

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