Donata Minderytė, Monika Radžiūnaitė to exhibit in the From Within exhibition at MO Museum in Vilnius


Exhibition on the impact of art to emotional health

An attentive and purposeful encounter with art has a positive effect on health. Works of art are multifaceted and integrate various aspects within them – which is why interacting with them has a healing power. Art speaks to us and helps develop resilience, the ability to cope with arising difficulties and act consciously. When we stand still and exist within our internal reaction to a work of art, we allow ourselves to open up to different interpretations and understand our experience in a new way, through different eyes.

From Within is the first exhibition in Lithuania to combine art history and psychology on such a scale. By relying on these two disciplines, we encourage reflection on the multifaceted impact of art. The tools of art history help us understand visual language, while psychology guides us toward self-analysis. The questions that accompany this exhibition connect these two fields – like Ariadne’s thread, they help maintain a direction of looking and thinking, compelling us to open up and experience the therapeutic effect of art.

We have chosen to present a thematic rather than chronological look at Lithuanian modern and contemporary art from the 1940s to the present day. The structure of this exhibition has been shaped by the personality structure model of psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung (1875–1961) and the therapeutic vision of art of philosopher and writer Alain de Botton (b. 1969).

For a work of art to help us better understand ourselves, for us to feel its impact, our response as viewers is vital. We invite you to sensitize your perspective and devote time to a dialogue, so that you can explore your emotions, thoughts, and experiences with an open heart, ready to answer the question: What is it that comes from within?


For more information on emotional health and psychological support:

Exhibition team

Aldona Dapkutė, Brigita Kaleckaitė, Deima Žuklytė-Gasperaitienė

Kamilė Jagėlienė

2XJ (Laura Druktenytė, Jokūbas Jurgelis, Jūratė Volkavičiūtė)

Graphic designer
Akvilė Paukštytė

Karolina Kapustaitė

Dominykas Šavelis

Eglė Beinorienė
Darius Sužiedėlis
Audra Kairienė


Lenders of the artworks

Antanas Mončys Art Museum, Church Heritage Museum, Gallery “Drifts”, Lithuanian Photographers Association, Lithuanian National Museum of Art, M. K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art, Stasys Museum, The Rooster Gallery, Galerija VARTAI“Vilnius Auction”, Museum of the Vilnius Academy of Arts, Family of Zigmantas Dokšas, Regina and Ignas Gaigalas, Ingrida Mickevičienė, Algirdas Puišys, Violeta and Romanas Raulynaitis, Jolita and Kęstutis Rudgalvis, Darius Rugys, Mindaugas Vanagas and Simona Savickaitė, and other private collectors.



Aleksas Andriuškevičius (b. 1959), Aušra Andziulytė (b. 1961), Valentinas Antanavičius (1936–2024), Elena Antanavičiūtė (b. 1992), Žygimantas Augustinas (b. 1973), Jovita Aukštikalnytė-Varkulevičienė (b. 1977), Marijonas Baranauskas (1931–1995), Jurga Barilaitė (b. 1972), Ilja Bereznickas (b. 1948), Eglė Ganda Bogdanienė (b. 1962), Eglė Budvytytė (b. 1981), Zenonas Bulgakovas (1939–2023), Ramūnas Čeponis (b. 1958), Henrikas Čerapas (b. 1952), Dovilė Dagienė (b. 1981), Ramūnas Danisevičius (b. 1973), Vytautas Dubauskas (1958), Stasys Eidrigevičius (b. 1949), Eglė Einikytė-Narkevičienė (b. 1972), Andrius Erminas (b. 1971), Monika Furmana (b. 1978), Raimondas Gailiūnas (b. 1956), Barbora Gediminaitė (b. 1978), Ugnius Gelguda (b. 1977), Gabrielė Gervickaitė (b.1982), Irena Giedraitienė (b. 1935), Eglė Gineitytė (b. 1968), Ona Grigaitė (b. 1963), Algis Griškevičius (b. 1954), Bart Groenendaal (b. 1975), Antanas Gudaitis (1904–1989), Leonardas Gutauskas (1938–2021), Evaldas Jansas (b. 1969), Danutė Jonkaitytė (b. 1951), Agnė Juodvalkytė (b. 1987), Patricija Jurkšaitytė (b. 1968), Elena Kairytė (b. 1988), Vytautas Kairiūkštis (1890–1961), Elvyra Kairiūkštytė (1950–2006), Rūta Katiliūtė (b. 1944), Leonas Linas Katinas (1941–2020), Algimantas Kezys (1928–2015), Virginija Kirvelienė (b. 1955), Vincas Kisarauskas (1934–1988), Algimantas Kunčius (b. 1939), Stanislovas Kuzma (1947–2012), Andrius Kviliūnas (b. 1972), Aurelija Maknytė (b. 1969), Jurga Marcinauskaitė (b.1987) / 2XJ, Sigita Maslauskaitė-Mažylienė (b. 1970), Petras Mazūras (b. 1949), Donata Minderytė (b. 1991), Beatričė Mockevičiūtė (b. 1994), Antanas Mončys (1921–1993), Visvaldas Morkevičius (b. 1990), Nancie Naive (b. 1997), Henrikas Natalevičius (b. 1953), Eglė Norkutė (b. 1993), Laima Oržekauskienė (b. 1959), Vygantas Paukštė (b. 1957), Audronė Petrašiūnaitė (b. 1954), Algirdas Petrulis (1915–2010), Edvardas Racevičius (b. 1974), Monika Radžiūnaitė (b. 1992), Adomas Rybakovas (b. 2001), Šarūnas Sauka (b. 1958), Gytis Skudžinskas (b. 1975), Leopoldas Surgailis (1928–2016), Mikalojus Šalkauskas (1935–2002), Arvydas Šaltenis (b. 1944), Vytautas Šerys (1931–2006), Šarūnas Šimulynas (1939–1999), Algimantas Švėgžda (1941–1996), Arūnė Tornau (b. 1956), Dalia Truskaitė (b.****), Povilas Ričardas Vaitiekūnas (b. 1940), Mantas Valentukonis (b. 1998), Eglė Vertelkaitė (b. 1967), Mikalojus Povilas Vilutis (b. 1944), Vytautas Viržbickas (b. 1987), Andrius Zakarauskas (b. 1982), Stanislovas Žvirgždas (b. 1941)





October 9, 2024
of 78