An interview with the artist Ignas Krunglevičius

on echo gone wrong

An interview by Aistė Marija Stankevičiūtė about Ignas Krunglevičius's artistic practice. 


Ignas Krunglevičius (b. 1979, Lithuania) currently lives and works in Oslo. He received an MA in music composition from the Norwegian Academy of Music in 2010. His installations, videos and sculptures often combine sound and text, where he explores the intermix between the agency of power, economy, nature, and existential realities generated by global technological developments. His works have been exhibited at the OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, Shanghai, China; Kunsthall Oslo, Norway; Ultima, Oslo, Norway; the Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, USA; Transmediale, HKW, Berlin, Germany; La Biennale di Venezia, Nordic pavilion, Italy; the 19th Sydney Biennial, Australia; and elsewhere.

July 10, 2022
of 67