Vytautas Viržbickas Lithuanian, b. 1987


Vytautas Viržbickas’s works function as a conceptual reflection upon mechanisms that make up our contemporary social world-model which intertwines all of the following: power of information, modern culture, military geopolitics, consumption society as well as individual loneliness. Vytautas attempts to grasp the structures of these mechanisms, to synthesize and abstract them up to the specific symbols or meanings. In V. Viržbickas’s artistic practice ‘myth’ is an ambivalent concept. The great majority of the artist’s works require viewer’s perception of artistic, historic and social contexts. However, the aesthetic force of V. Viržbickas’s artworks more often than not is being generated by him purposefully rejecting tradition and canon and is inherent to the artist’s zealous urge to introduce and experiment with contemporary sculpture in a broad social discourse of the XXI century. 


Born in 1987, Lithuania

Lives and works in Vilnius, Lithuania



2000-2002 – Master of Arts in Sculpture at Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius (Lithuania)

2006-2000 – Bachelor of Arts in Sculpture at Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius (Lithuania)


2018 – In Lethal Understanding, VARTAI Gallery, Vilnius (Lithuania)

2017 – Artissima 2017, Turin (Italy)

2016 – Creators Are the Best Manipulators, Viennacontemporary 2016, Vienna (Austria)

2015 – Meaning on the Verge of Banality, [si:said] gallery, Klaipėda (Lithuania)

2013 – How Do I Tell You a Story You Already Know? You Don't, Le Magasin Museum of Contemporary Art, Grenoble (France)

2012 – Open the Windows, Let the Flies Out, Project space Malonioji 6, Vilnius (Lithuania)

2010 – Apples, sculpture project, Panevėžys Art Gallery, Panevėžys (Lithuania)


2020 – Spectrum, VARTAI Gallery, Vilnius (Lithuania)

2020 – The Sweet Sweat of the Future, National Gallery of Art, Vilnius (Lithuania)

2019 – Starting Point, Mo Museum, Vilnius (Lithuania)

2019 – XVII a., Autarkia, Vilnius (Lithuania)

2017 – Art Brussels, OFF Programme: Private Collections ‘The Loft. Works from the Family Servais Collection’, Brussels (Belgium)

2016 – Body and Darkness, VARTAI Gallery, Vilnius (Lithuania)

2016 – Žilvitis, VARTAI Gallery, Vilnius (Lithuania)

2015 – Viennacontemporary, Vienna (Austria)

2015 – Artissima, Turin (Italy)

2014 – Art Vilnius, Vilnius (Lithuania)

2012 – Chess City Blocks, Nida Art Colony, Nida (Lithuania)

2010 – Exhibition of BA graduates, ex-factory of ‘Tauras’ beer, Vilnius (Lithuania)

2010 – 9 Combinations, Panevėžys (Lithuania)


2014 – The Culture Support Foundation, Vilnius, Lithuania 


Servais Family Collection (Belgium)

MO Museum (Lithuania) 

Private collectors from Austria, Lithuania and other countries

Art Fairs


2014 – Art Vilnius’14: 5th edition, catalogue, Vilnius: Lithuanian Art Gallerists‘ Association, 2014

2013 – Vytautas Viržbickas: mitai yra tautų sapnai/Myths are the dreams of peoples, catalogue, ed.: Virginija Vitkienė, Kaunas: Kauno bienalė, 2013


2019 – Aistė Marija Stankevičiūtė, “Sapnai nėra iš maloniųjų. Paroda ‘XVII a.’ ‘Autarkijoje’, in: artnews.lt, 2019-08-16

2018 – Eglė Mikalajūnė, “Kitapus žinojimo apie kitapus. Vytauto Viržbicko paroda ‘Mirtinose mintyse’ galerijoje ‘Vartai”, in: artnews.lt, 2018-06-07

2018 – Monika Valatkaitė, “Paliekant postresinę būseną. Vytauto Viržbicko paroda ‘Mirtinose mintyse’ galerijoje ‘Vartai”, in: 7 meno dienos, no. 20 (1257), 2018-05-18

2017 – Jogintė Bučinskaitė, “Kūno kultūra aktų salėje. Paroda ‘Kūnas ir tamsa’ galerijoje ‘Vartai”, in: artnews.lt, 2017-03-28

2016 – “Daily Dozen with Lithuanian artist Vytautas Viržbickas”, in: Artterritory.com, 2016-10-27

2016 – Agnese Čivle, “Maybe the mega-fairs will die, and maybe the smaller ones will survive”, in: Arterritory.com, 2016-10-05

2016 – Agnė Narušytė, “Nekritę kovoje už būvį. Žodinis pasivaikščiojimas po ‘Vartų’ galerijos parodą ‘Žilvitis’, in: 7 meno dienos, no. 11 (1163), 2016-03-18

2013 – Danutė Gambickaitė, “Apie naratyvo supainiojimą”, in: Bernardinai.lt, 2013-12-01

2013 – “Vytautas Viržbickas «Comment te raconter une histoire connue? - Ne la raconte pas.»”, in: MAGASIN-CNAC, 2012 

2013 – Jolanta Marcišauskytė-Jurašienė, “Sugrįžimas į katabazę. Vytauto Viržbicko personalinė paroda šiuolaikinio meno centre ‘Le Magasin’, Grenoblyje”, in: 7 meno dienos, no. 41 (1055), 2013-11-08

2013 – Rasa Balčikonytė, “Lietuvos kultūros mėnuo Grenoblyje”, in: 7 meno dienos, no. 37 (1051), 2013-10-11

2013 – “Prancūzijoje eksponuojama lietuvių menininko paroda”, in: VDU, 2013-10-02

2012 – Kęstutis Šapoka, “Lygiosios trimis ėjimais. Paroda ‘Šachmatų miesto kvartalai’ Nidos menininkų kolonijoje”, in: artnews.lt, 2012-08-14

2012 – Eglė Mikalajūnė, “Vytauto Viržbicko paroda galerijoje ‘Malonioji 6”, in: artnews.lt, 2012-06-14

2010 – Neringa Černiauskaitė, “Stalkerio žemėlapis. Jaunųjų menininkų paroda buvusioje ‘Tauro’ alaus gamykloje”, in: artnews.lt, 2010-06-22




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