Mask Off, 2024Akrilas ant drobės / Acrylic on canvas
96 x 143 cm
38 x 56 1/2 in€ 1,600.00 / Starting Bid: € 1400.00Further images
TRAFIK – Vytautas Stakutis (g. 1990) – tapytojas, iliustratorius, gatvės meno kūrėjas, baigęs grafinio dizaino studijas Vilniaus technologijų ir dizaino kolegijoje. Vilniuje kuriantį ir gyvenantį menininką domina miestietiško gyvenimo temos...TRAFIK – Vytautas Stakutis (g. 1990) – tapytojas, iliustratorius, gatvės meno kūrėjas, baigęs grafinio dizaino studijas Vilniaus technologijų ir dizaino kolegijoje. Vilniuje kuriantį ir gyvenantį menininką domina miestietiško gyvenimo temos apjungiančios ir tuo pačiu atskiriančios gamtą ir kultūrą, prisiliečiančios prie vienodumo ir kasdienės aplinkos motyvų. Jo darbuose tiriama žmogiškoji esatis susitelkiant į objektus ir kasdienybės elementus, ieškant juose kontrasto, paradoksų ir žaidybiškumo. Naudodamas skirtingas medijas, Trafik dažniausiai išlaiko plokščią, geometrinį stilių. Akcentuodamas estetiką, kūriniuose perteikia intensyvias asmenines akimirkas, pasitelkiant taisykles ir jų nepaisymą, priėmimą ir atsisakymą, patraukiant žiūrovo dėmesį per atpažįstamumą.
TRAFIK is a Vilnius-based artist, painter, and illustrator whose work spans various mediums, typically characterized by a flat, geometric style. His art delves into the human condition by focusing on the objects, environments, and atmospheres of everyday life, often uncovering contrasts, paradoxes, or playful elements within them. A recurring theme in his work is the intersection of urban art and lifestyle, where nature and culture simultaneously converge and diverge.
In his latest series, "SKIN," TRAFIK explores the urban landscape at the pace of a pedestrian, capturing visually compelling details with a camera and translating them into layered paintings. These works, based on photographs, infuse the city's map with an uncanny sense of presence. The series highlights everyday scenes—such as streets under repair, abandoned cars, and utilitarian objects—bathed in light, bright colors, and warm tones, preserving these fleeting moments in the viewer’s imagination.
In one painting, an overturned car appears to "flip" in the air, symbolizing forward movement. A bumper, suspended like drying laundry, evokes the resilience rather than vulnerability of the car—its "skin" hanging unnaturally in the air. Similarly, leather car seats are depicted as if supporting one another, humorously imbuing the objects with human qualities and transforming them into symbols of comfort. Through these works, TRAFIK invites viewers to step beyond the comfort zones of routine and explore the overlooked details of urban life, challenging them to see more than just the tunnels of car routes. His daily walks through the peripheries, where he chooses complex and scenic paths, serve as a testament to the thick skin and endurance he has cultivated through his creative practice.Exhibitions
2024 - Spectrum II, Galerija VARTAI, Vilnius (group)